Wednesday, 20 July 2011

July 9th: from Brandon to Portage

It truly is great to wake up so close to home next to the person you love. I cashed in on the opportunity to cook indoors by making some crepes (my favorite breakfast food and a French specialty) with the help of Rose for our hosts, the Wolski's. They were excellent if I do say so myself.
   After breakfast I packed my gear and prepared to get back on the road. Saying goodbye to Rose was difficult. I had already gone so long without her that I did not look forward to being without her again, even if it was only for a short time.
   After saying goodbye to the gang along with Jen and Bernie's two pugs, Bugsy and Fat Tony, I started to cycle on down the road.
   A new challenge started to present itself on this stretch. Since Downey wasn't around, I had to entertain myself. After trying to re-create the movie Forrest Gump in my head I gave up and decided to listen to Supertramp's Crime of the Century album on my Ipod over and over again.
   the destination for the day was not far at all. Today I was Portage La Prairie-bound. My sister Natalie and her husband Mark have a house there and I wanted to visit with my family wherever possible as I crossed the country.
   the best part about visiting with my sister natalie is that she is pregnant and therefore she has no restraint on food consumption. if you are self conscious about the amount of food you eat, just have supper with a pregnant woman and you will look like less of a glutton.
   after supper we talked, laughed and watched a show called Its Always Sunny in Phillidelphia. They set me up in the guest room down stairs and I slept great... until I atttempted to open a window at 3am to cool off my room. Apparently the window was attached to the alarm system and by opening it I had set off the alarm. My brother in law Mark seemed very understanding, but learned another valuable lesson: Do not, EVER, interrupt a pregnant woman's sleep. I was just lucky enough that I would be on the road the next day, or may have been buried in the back yard.

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